.bk A10 .fn H619lkal.j .fd logs .ei lka .ed H619 .rd H618 .ri fab f 26 5 wa wall in NW k5 27 5 a accum. contained by f26 28 1 a below 9 (pink/light grey -- parallel to f35) 29 1 a ash, bricks thresholds? vertical section 30 1 fi wadi wash (not in A10, but in interface) 31 1 pb stones in front of f29 and corresponding accum. 32 1 a parallel to f9, but to N of f29 33 10 fa gypsum floor to N of f29, under f32 34 10 f subfloor to 33 35 1 a pink/light grey (parallel to f 28 on South .ri lka 36 5 fd possibly contained by "wall" f26 37 5 a below f36; capped by f36 38 1 so brown soil amongst stones f31 ,ri fab 39 5 a above f36, possibly inside pit f26 40 19 a above f33 41 4 ts 42 4 pt with ash and tannur fragments 43 4 bf possible well 44 4 a around f43 45 4 wa wall-E/W in middle of square, presumed AK. .ri lka i 5 23 1 24 ar 1.5 4 .2 ob 6 23 1 24 li scraper 7 27 5 26 ja squat oil jar 8 27 5 29 bd mt .ri fab 9 44 4 fg 6 5 3 5 .rd H618 .ri lka q 22 pb 20 3 23 pbs 18 1 8397 30 24 pbl 23 1 8384 40 22.1 m 1 2 2 spout? 26.1 s soil sample from i7 .rd H619 13.1 ca 4 4 4 ball-- slingshot? .ri fab 34.1 ca reed impressions? (floor surface?) 35.1 bo .rd H618 25 pb 27 5 26 pb 7 5 extends to f27 27 pb 20 3 making section and clearing in N 28 pbc 31 1 removal of f31 29 p 27 5 .ri lka .rd H619 30 p 36 5 8504 20 31 p 27 5 120S 50W 8519 35 32 p 20 3 33 p 41 4 34 p 40 10 35 pcb 42 4 .rd H618 .ri fab v 3 E vk1 vf9,32,29,28,33,34,31 3a w E vk1,2,3,4,5,10 vf9,32,29,28,33,34,31 3b t E vk10 vf33,34 3c t E vf32,35 vk1 3d t e vf9,28 vk1 4 n vf26,37,36,39,7,13 vk5,7 4a t ne 4b t w 4c m w 4d m w